Finalist, National Oil and Acrylic Painters' Society Best of America Exhibition at Addison Art Gallery | 43 South Orleans Road/Route 28, Box 2756, Orleans, MA 02653 508.255.6200

No. 2 in Tina's Nudes Series.
Portrait Society of America Members Only Competition
7th Honorable Mention Award
Oil Painters of America Fall Online Showcase 3rd Prize Winner!

No. 4 in the Vintage est Nouveau series, String of Pearls 30" x 40" is a top 100 finalist in Figurativas 2015 hosted by the Foundation of the Arts and Artists at the Museum of Modern Art Europe, (MEAM) and a National Oil and Acrylic Painter's Society Best of America Best Oil Painting by a Signature Artist Award winner.

No. 1 Vintage est Nouveau series
2015 ARC Salon Purchase Award Winner!
Oil Painters Of America National Exhibition Finalist.
National Oil and Acrylic Painter's Society Spring Online Exhibition Award of Excellence.

No. 2 Vintage est Nouveau series

No. 5 in the Vintage est Nouveau series.

Tina's first nude figure painting...
No. 1 in Tina's Nudes Series, "Lueur", meaning 'Glow' in French.

No. 3 Vintage est Nouveau Series. SOLD
Oil Painters of America 2015 Spring Online Showcase Merit Award

No. 3 New Orleans Series.

No. 2 New Orleans Series: Limited-Edition Prints available.
Oil Painters of America 2014 Spring On-Line Showcase
1st Prize Winner

National Oil and Acrylic Society 2014 Spring On-Line International Award of Excellence Winner
No. 1 New Orleans Series

No. 4 New Orleans Series

No. 3 New York Series.

One of Tina's earliest works and first award winning piece, "Lonesome Man on a Train" is No. 1 in Tina's New York Series.
National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society, Best of America 2013 Southwest Art Merit Award Winner
Finalist: 2014 Lore Degenstein Gallery Sixth Annual Figurative Drawing and Painting Exhibition, Susquehanna University Selinsgrove, PA. Juried by Pamela Wilson

No. 2 New York Series Read the blog about how I met this muse.
Finalist: Principle Gallery, Alexandria, V.A. 2014 Urban Aspect Show Juried by Jeremy Mann.

One of Tina's earliest works...

Commissions are my favorite part of being a working artist. It is always a comfort to know the works I put my heart and soul into will be loved and passed down for future generations long after I am gone.
How to Commission A Painting

Tina's 3rd oil painting.
Finalist — 2013 Scottsdale's The Best and the Brightest Juried Art Show and Sale